Wednesday, February 15, 2017

UDL Lesson Plan

  1. Author:Alexsia Terry
  2. Topic:
  3. Grade Level (select a content level 7-12):
  4. Content:
  5. State Standard(s) (select a state standard appropriate to the grade and content level you selected:
  6. Lesson Objective:
  7. Lesson Materials:

Instructional Lesson Methods and Assessment
Anticipatory Set (Describe step by step what you and the students will be doing in this phase of the lesson)

Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement

Introduce and Model New Knowledge (Describe step by step what you and the students will be doing in this phase of the lesson)

Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement

Guided Practice (Describe step by step what you and the students will be doing in this phase of the lesson)

Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement

Independent Practice (Describe step by step what you and the students will be doing in this phase of the lesson)

Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement

Wrap-up (Describe step by step what you and the students will be doing in this phase of the lesson)

Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement

Assessment (Describe step by step what you and the students will be doing in this phase of the lesson)
Formative (Informal – must be a written assessment)

Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement

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